Our Mission

Marcheur des Bois specializes in the harvesting, processing and marketing of forest edibles. We offer guide-interpreter services, including gourmet forest experiences.
Our mission is to build an innovative tourism offer around forest edibles, in partnership with various local players: regional parks, municipalities and players in our region’s tourism sector, through themed activities promoting forest edibles.
As a company with an environmental vocation, Marcheur des Bois is committed to offering ethical and responsible products and services. This means harvesting healthy forest products in reasonable quantities, according to our needs and using proven methods.
We hold all the permits required for our activities to run smoothly. (Municipality, MAPAQ, adherence to the ACPFNL Charter of Values for Responsible Harvesting, Labrador tea harvesting permit, etc.).
Mission, Vision, Values
Marcheur des Bois specializes in the harvesting, processing and marketing of forest edibles. We offer guide-interpreter services, including gourmet forest experiences.
Our mission is to build an innovative tourism offer around forest edibles, in partnership with various local players: regional parks, municipalities and players in our region’s tourism sector, through themed activities promoting forest edibles.
As a company with an environmental vocation, Marcheur des Bois is committed to offering ethical and responsible products and services. This means harvesting healthy forest products in reasonable quantities, according to our needs and using proven methods.
We hold all the permits required for our activities to run smoothly. (Municipality, MAPAQ, adherence to the ACPFNL Charter of Values for Responsible Harvesting, Labrador tea harvesting permit, etc.).
Our code for ethical and responsible picking
Pick only what we need, according to the rules of the art, to ensure the sustainability of the resource, the regeneration and protection of wildlife.
Pick in season, at the right time, to capture the freshness and maximum flavour, and allow the plant to regenerate.
Don’t pick in inappropriate places: roadsides or railroads, under electricity pylons, on land whose history is unknown (possible presence of pollutants, pesticides, etc.) and potentially contaminated.
Do not pick without authorization (in the case of private land) or in prohibited areas.
Do not pick or sell protected, endangered or vulnerable species.
Do not pick unknown species (except for identification purposes) or those too difficult to identify at first glance, to avoid the risk of poisoning.
Respect established hygiene standards for product handling, preservation, storage, drying and packaging. (MAPAQ)
Respect product labeling standards.
Leave no trace of our presence and make the area cleaner than when we arrived, whenever possible: pick up garbage left by others, etc.
Work in close collaboration with suppliers, retailers, customers, etc.
Our code for ethical and responsible picking
Pick only what we need, according to the rules of the art, to ensure the sustainability of the resource, the regeneration and protection of wildlife.
Pick in season, at the right time, to capture the freshness and maximum flavour, and allow the plant to regenerate.
Don’t pick in inappropriate places: roadsides or railroads, under electricity pylons, on land whose history is unknown (possible presence of pollutants, pesticides, etc.) and potentially contaminated.
Do not pick without authorization (in the case of private land) or in prohibited areas.
Do not pick or sell protected, endangered or vulnerable species.
Do not pick unknown species (except for identification purposes) or those too difficult to identify at first glance, to avoid the risk of poisoning.
Respect established hygiene standards for product handling, preservation, storage, drying and packaging. (MAPAQ)
Respect product labeling standards.
Leave no trace of our presence and make the area cleaner than when we arrived, whenever possible: pick up garbage left by others, etc.
Work in close collaboration with suppliers, retailers, customers, etc.