Our products
Please note that the Saint-Côme boutique is not open to the public on a regular business schedule, as we are sometimes out picking or working!
Please contact us before visiting to check availability. Our products are also available at the following locations:

Marché Brandon
401, rue Maskinongé
Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon (Québec) J0K 2N0
450 835-9191

Magasin de l´Abbaye Val Notre-Dame
220, chemin de la Montagne Coupée
St-Jean-de-Matha (Québec) J0K 2S0
450 960-2891

Dried mushrooms
Bolets (16 g)
Crushed mushrooms (15 g)
Lobster mushroom (16 g)
Chanterelle (16 g)
Chaga pieces (100 g)
Chaga nuggets (50 g)
Ground chaga (40 g)
Herbal Teas
In 16-gram format
Atchou ∴ Comptonie voyageuse et épilobe∴ Doux repos∴ Épilobe∴ Silva∴ Mélange framboisier∴ Thé des bois∴ Thé du Labrador∴ Verge d’or

Spices & herbs
Salad dressing (10 g)
Forest bouquet (5 g)
Mugwort leaves (4 g)
Balsam myrtle leaves (5 g)
Balsam poplar leaves (5 g)
Wildflower mix (30 ml)
Crushed daisies (20 g)
Woodland mix (20 g)
Forest mix (20 g)
Grill mix (20 g)
Sumac mix (20 g)
Poultry mix (20 g)
Balsam Fir (grain) (5 g)
Pine spikenard (8 g)
Dune pepper (20 g)
Sweet and sour syrup with aronia berries (375 ml)
Wild berry sweet and sour syrup (250 ml)
Wildberry sweet and sour syrup (375 ml)
Fir syrup (250 ml)
Balsam fir sugar (40 g)
Wintergreen sugar (40 g)

Ready-to-eat products
Our mission is to introduce you to forestibles through gourmet pleasures. We have several dishes designed to introduce you to new flavors. Most dishes are available frozen at the boutique. Please check availability before coming to Marcheur des Bois.
Forest Pogos (4-pack)
Forest beef burgers (2 x 135 g)
Veggie burgers (2 x 135 g)
Mushroom bruschetta (160 g)
Creamy summer dressing (250 ml)
Honey fir mustard sauce (180 ml)
Wild mushroom butter (150 g)
Forest quiche (8¨ plate)
Pre-cooked chanterelles (75 g)
Pre-cooked lobster mushrooms (80 g)

Dried mushrooms
Bolets (16 g)
Crushed mushrooms (15 g)
Lobster mushroom (16 g)
Chanterelle (16 g)
Chaga pieces (100 g)
Chaga nuggets (50 g)
Ground chaga (40 g)

Herbal Teas
In 16-gram format
Atchou ∴ Comptonie voyageuse et épilobe∴ Doux repos∴ Épilobe∴ Silva∴ Mélange framboisier∴ Thé des bois∴ Thé du Labrador∴ Verge d’or

Spices & herbs
Salad dressing (10 g)
Forest bouquet (5 g)
Mugwort leaves (4 g)
Balsam myrtle leaves (5 g)
Balsam poplar leaves (5 g)
Wildflower mix (30 ml)
Crushed daisies (20 g)
Woodland mix (20 g)
Forest mix (20 g)
Grill mix (20 g)
Sumac mix (20 g)
Poultry mix (20 g)
Balsam Fir (grain) (5 g)
Pine spikenard (8 g)
Dune pepper (20 g)

Sweet and sour syrup with aronia berries (375 ml)
Wild berry sweet and sour syrup (250 ml)
Wildberry sweet and sour syrup (375 ml)
Fir syrup (250 ml)
Balsam fir sugar (40 g)
Wintergreen sugar (40 g)

Ready-to-eat products
Our mission is to introduce you to forestibles through gourmet pleasures. We have several dishes designed to introduce you to new flavors. Most dishes are available frozen at the boutique. Please check availability before coming to Marcheur des Bois.
Forest Pogos (4-pack)
Forest beef burgers (2 x 135 g)
Veggie burgers (2 x 135 g)
Mushroom bruschetta (160 g)
Creamy summer dressing (250 ml)
Honey fir mustard sauce (180 ml)
Wild mushroom butter (150 g)
Forest quiche (8¨ plate)
Pre-cooked chanterelles (75 g)
Pre-cooked lobster mushrooms (80 g)