Culinary workshops

Duration: 4 hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

Includes: a document containing all recipes

Cost: $85

Tasting included

Culinary workshops

Here are some of the breads baked at the Pain et compagnie workshop.

Learn how to cook with forestibles from chef Josée Miller. Depending on the season, we’ll offer a themed workshop where you can cook with us using boreal spices such as dune pepper, balsam myrtle, pine spikenard, staghorn sumac and more.

Upcoming workshops:

Sunday, October 20:
Cooking wild mushrooms

Sunday, October 27:
Bread and company
Sunday, November 3:
Forest Brunch
Sunday, November 10:
Gourmet desserts
Coming soon:
  • Preparing for brunch
  • Getting ready for Christmas
  • Long live fish (2025)
  • Spring greens (2025)
Any questions? Write to us:

Surveiller la météo avant votre départ et vous vêtir en conséquence: prévoir une veste, un imperméable en cas de pluie, etc.

Bien se chausser (pas de gougounes, tong ou flip-flops)

Hydratation: Prévoir une gourde d’eau fraîche

En saison, prévoir du chasse-moustiques, un filet, Thermacell, etc.

Culinary workshops

Here are some of the breads baked at the Pain et compagnie workshop.

Learn how to cook with forestibles from chef Josée Miller. Depending on the season, we’ll offer a themed workshop where you can cook with us using boreal spices such as dune pepper, balsam myrtle, pine spikenard, staghorn sumac and more.s un atelier thématique où vous pourrez cuisiner avec nous des mets intégrant des épices boréales comme le poivre des dunes, le myrique baumier, le nard des pinèdes, le sumac vinaigrier, etc.

Duration: 4 hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

Includes: a document containing all recipes

Cost: $85

Tasting included

Upcoming workshops:

Sunday, October 20:
Cooking wild mushrooms

Sunday, October 27:
Bread and company
Sunday, November 3:
Forest Brunch
Sunday, November 10:
Gourmet desserts
Coming soon:
  • Preparing for brunch
  • Getting ready for Christmas
  • Long live fish (2025)
  • Spring greens (2025)
Any questions? Write to us: